23 Octombrie:
Incepand cu finalul anului 2019 sistemul de administrare a cursantilor IATA (LMS Yardstick) urmeaza a fi inlocuit cu noul Customer Portal. Vor fi portate dintr-un sistem in celalalt doar inregistrarile care sunt asociate cu un user ce are ADRESA DE EMAIL VALIDA SI VALIDATA.
Consecinta: fostilor cursanti, absolventi ai unor forme de instruire si care detin astazi Cerificate/Diplome emise de catre IATA dar care nu au o adresa de email valida si validata in LMS Yardstick pana la data de 15 NOIEMBRIE 2019, li se va pierde istoricul. SI vor fi tratati, pentru sesiunile ce urmeaza, ca si nou-veniti in sistem.
In consecinta, va rog sa va actualizati de urgenta profilul in LMS (Yardstick) utilizand username-ul si parola pe care le-ati setat cu ocaiza primei inregistari la cursurile IATA. Cei ce intampina dificultati pot cere asistenta prin email
Mai jos un extras din materialul comunicat de catre IATA in aceasta dimineata:
IATA Training is enhancing our user experience to create a smooth customer journey. At the end of 2019 we are moving our customer account login from our Learning Management System (Yardstick) to our Customer Portal, which will be the single (only) point of entry for all our products and services.
In order for the Customer Portal to recognize our current students (i.e. students who already have accounts in LMS) they will need to login to the Customer Portal using the same verified individual email address that they have in their LMS account profile.
What do we need you to do?
1. Please ensure that all your students have verified their email address in their LMS profile by mid-November (please see attachment that you may share with your students on how to verify their email address)
2. All ATC Admins to confirm to us by 15 November 2019, that all their active users have been updated in LMS with the verified email addresses
Please make a note of the below:
• Students without a valid email address must create one (Gmail, Hotmail etc.) as soon as possible
• Students will have to login through our Customer Portal with a valid email address; Login access to training.iata.org will be disabled
• ATC Admins will still be able to create Student profiles in LMS, but any updates/amendments will not be possible in LMS; Students will have to update their own details themselves in the Customer Portal
• Please communicate the following information to all active students by mid-November so they can continue to login via the Customer Portal.